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D-Link DAP-1353 rev A1

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D-Link DAP-1353 A1

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Alpha Networks

FCC approval date: 19 July 2009
Country of manuf.: China

Type: access point

Power: ? VDC, ? A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Intel Model? (400 MHz)
FLA1: 8 MiB 8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br /> (Spansion S29JL064H70TF100)
RAM1: 32 MiB 33,554,432 B <br />262,144 Kib <br />32,768 KiB <br />256 Mib <br />0.0313 GiB <br /> (Mira P2V28S40CTP)

Expansion IFs: Mini PCI
Mini PCI slots: 1

WI1 module: unknown
WI1 module IF: Mini PCI
WI1 chip1: Atheros AR5416
WI1 chip2: Atheros Model?
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 3x3:2
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA

ETH chip1: Intel Model?
Switch: Realtek RTL8305SC
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 1


Stock bootloader: RedBoot RH2.02.14(v014) vendor modified

Stock FW OS: Linux

802dot11 OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.
For a list of all currently documented Intel chipsets with specifications, see Intel.

Wireless N Access Point

Device mention (w/ specs and boot log) on the openwrt-devel ML