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Dell Wireless 1820A (DW1820A)

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Dell Wireless 1820A (DW1820A)
Availability: common

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Lite-On WCBN808B -D1(US)

FCC approval date: 25 August 2015
Country of manuf.: China

Amazon image

B01N2TZT5X (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Interface: NGFF

PCIe 2.0
Connector: M.2
Form factor tags: 2230

ID: 14e4:43a3 (2 addl. devices) SS: 1028:0021
Windows: PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_43A3&SUBSYS_00211028

IC ID: 4324A-BRCM1087

WI1 chip1: Broadcom BCM4350

Antenna connector: MHF4

abgn+ac, 2x2:2

Flags: bluetooth 4.1

OUI: AC:E0:10 (-, 3 W), C8:FF:28 (-, 3 W)

Broadcom BCM94350ZAEQDS-BRCM1087
Foxconn T77H649.00QDS-BRCM1087
Lite-On WCBN808BQDS-BRCM1087

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.

802.11ac WLAN + Bluetooth PCI-E NGFF 2230 Card

Support page

Compatible Systems: Dell Laptop XPS 15" (9550), XPS 13" (9350)

DW 1820A / DW1820A 2x2 802.11ac 2.4/5GHz + Bluetooth 4.1 LE

This module would appear to be using an NGFF (M.2) key A+E interface.

BCM94350Z (2230, key E), BCM94350ZAE (2230, key A+E)
Broadcom BCM4350 (802.11a/b/g/n/ac + BT 4.1 LE, 2x2, 2.4/5GHz) • PR
BCM4350_D11AC_ID	0x43a3		4350 802.11ac dualband
BCM4350_D11AC2G_ID	0x43a4		4350 802.11ac 2.4G device
BCM4350_D11AC5G_ID	0x43a5		4350 802.11ac 5G device
macOS driver:AirPortBrcm4350
Linux driver: Brcmfmac brcm80211 (4.4+)
Windows driver: Win8 14e4:43a3
Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac [Dell Computer Corp]  1028:0021 (CN-0VW3T3)
Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac [Dell Computer Corp]  1028:0022 (CN-096JNT)
Dell Wireless 1820A 802.11ac [Dell Computer Corp]  1028:0023 (CN_08PKF4)
[0a5c:6412] - Dell Wireless 1820A (Bluetooth 4.1 LE USB)
[0a5c:6413] - Broadcom BCM4350C5 (Generic)
[0a5c:6414] - Broadcom BCM4350C5 (Lenovo)
WCBN808B • Dell PN: CN-0VW3T3 [14e4:43a3/1028:0021]
WCBN808B-D1(US) • Dell PN: 08PKF4 [14e4:43a3/1028:0023]
Foxconn T77H649.00 • FRU: 00JT494 - OUI: 70:77:81

Forum threads

Dell Wireless 1820A (DW1820A) • CN-0VW3T3 [14e4:43a3/1028:0021]
Foxconn T77H649.00Lenovo FRU: 00JT494 [14e4:43a3/17aa:075a]
Lite-On WCBN808B-L6 • Lenovo FRU: 00JT493 • Dell PN: CN-0VW3T3
Apple MacBook 12" (Retina, 2015) [14e4:43a3/106b:0131]
