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DrayTek Vigor 2830n plus

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DrayTek Vigor 2830n plus
Availability: common

FCC approval date: 23 January 2009

Amazon image

B01MV99GO0 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
B005D9R3V2 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution

Type: wireless router, dsl modem

Power: 12 VDC, 1.5 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Infineon (Lantiq) PSB 50712 (333 MHz)
FLA1: 8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX25L6405DMI-12G)
RAM1: 64 MiB67,108,864 B <br />524,288 Kib <br />65,536 KiB <br />512 Mib <br />0.0625 GiB <br /> (Nanya NT5DS32M16CS-5T)

Expansion IFs: Mini PCI, USB 2.0
Mini PCI slots: 1
USB ports: 1

WI1 module: Alpha Networks WMP-ND02
WI1 module IF: Mini PCI
WI1 chip1: Ralink RT2880F
WI1 chip2: Ralink RT2850L
WI1 802dot11 protocols: abgn
WI1 MIMO config: 2x3:2
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA

ETH chip1: Infineon (Lantiq) PSB 50712
Switch: Atheros AR8316
LAN speed: 1GbE
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 1GbE
WAN ports: 1


Flags: ADSL2+

Default SSID: DrayTek (5 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1310 additional devices
of which 8 are DrayTek devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: admin
admin:admin credentials used by 1331 additional devices
of which 7 are DrayTek devices

802dot11 OUI: none specified

Alpha Networks WMP-N08RRK-WMPND02A1
Alpha Networks WMP-ND02RRK-WMPND02A1
DrayTek Vigor 2830nRRK-WMPND02A1
 CPU1 brandWI1 chip1 brandWI1 chip2 brand
DrayTek Vigor 2830nInfineon (Lantiq)RalinkRalink
DrayTek Vigor 2830n plusInfineon (Lantiq)RalinkRalink

For a list of all currently documented Infineon (Lantiq) chipsets with specifications, see Infineon.
For a list of all currently documented Ralink chipsets with specifications, see Ralink.

Dual WAN ADSL2+ Security Firewall

Product page (2832 series)

Per the manual, the default SSID is DrayTek.


SoC: Infineon (Lantiq) XWAY DANUBE-S
Lantiq PSB 50712 @333MHz (MIPS 24Kc)
Alpha Networks WMP-ND02 Mini PCI Card
Ralink RT2880F/RT2850L 2T3R (2.4/5GHz)