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Encore ENUWI-1XN42

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Encore ENUWI-1XN42

FCC approval date: 09 May 2011
UPC: 810731011899 (UPC DB, On eBay)

Amazon image

B0087FZBFO (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Interface: USB

USB 2.0
Connector: Male A
Form factor tags: dongle

ID: 0bda:8176 (21 addl. devices)
Windows: USB\VID_0BDA&PID_8176

FCC ID: YZ500000004

WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8188CUS

Windows driver
possibly see Realtek's website

Antenna connector: RP-SMA

bgn, 1x1:1

Flags: schematics

OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

Wireless N150 USB Adapter, 2dBi
Product page
 • Support page

USB ID mention