Last 5 Pages Viewed: Linksys WMP11 v4


Linksys WMP11 v4

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Linksys WMP11 v4

Manuf (OEM/ODM): BroMax MW302

FCC approval date: 27 June 2003
Country of manuf.: China

Interface: PCI

IC ID: 3839A-WMP11V4

WI1 chip1: Inprocomm IPN2120

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: RP-SMA


For a list of all currently documented Inprocomm chipsets with specifications, see Inprocomm.

Wireless-B PCI Adapter
 • Support page  • (Template link outdated)

"MW302-PF-XC2" is silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos. "3751-43020106" or "3763-43020106" is actually silkscreened on the device.

The serial number may start with BB7.

On djb's PRISM models page (archived here)

states the device is a OEM Amtron MW-302