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Linksys WRT1900ACS

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Linksys WRT1900AC S
Availability: now

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Wistron NeWeb

FCC approval date: 20 March 2015
(Est.) release date: 07 October 2015
(Est.) initial retail price (in USD): $229.99
Country of manuf.: China
Series: AC1900

Amazon image

B014MIBLSA (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution
On Newegg

Type: wireless router

Power: 12 VDC, 3 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Marvell 88F6820 (1.6 GHz, 2 cores)
FLA1: 128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br /> (Spansion S34ML01G100TFI00)
RAM1: 512 MiB536,870,912 B <br />4,194,304 Kib <br />524,288 KiB <br />4,096 Mib <br />0.5 GiB <br /> (SK hynix H5TQ2G63FFR-PBC × 2)

Expansion IFs: USB 3.0, USB 2.0 / eSATA (combo port)
USB ports: 2
SATA ports: 1
JTAG: yes, 20-pin header
Serial: yes, 6-pin header, (115200,8,N,1)

WI1 chip1: Marvell 88W8864
WI1 802dot11 protocols: an+ac
WI1 MIMO config: 4x4:3
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA
WI2 chip1: Marvell 88W8864
WI2 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI2 MIMO config: 4x4:3
WI2 antenna connector: U.FL, RP-SMA

ETH chip1: Marvell 88F6820
Switch: Marvell 88E6172
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 4
WAN speed: 1G
WAN ports: 1


Additional chips
USB 3.0 Host Controller;EtronTech;EJ168A;;1;
2.4GHz Power Amplifier IC;Skyworks;SE2623L;;4;
2.4GHz SPDT switch w/ LNA;Skyworks;SKY85201;;4;
5GHz Power Amplifier Module;RFMD;RFPA5522;;4;
5GHz SPDT switch w/ LNA;Skyworks;SKY85601;;4;

Stock bootloader: U-Boot

Stock FW OS: Linux

TPFirmware supported: OpenWrt • (List | Dev | DLs), DD-WRT • (List), LEDE Project (obsolete, OpenWrt) • (List)

Flags: no fan

802dot11 OUI: none specified

Linksys WRT1900AC v2Q87-WRT1900ACV2
 CPU1 brandWI1 chip1 brandWI2 chip1 brand
Linksys WRT1900AC v1MarvellMarvellMarvell
Linksys WRT1900AC v2MarvellMarvellMarvell
Linksys WRT1900ACSMarvellMarvellMarvell

For a list of all currently documented Marvell chipsets with specifications, see Marvell.

AC1900 Dual-Band Smart Wi-Fi Wireless Router

Product page • Support page

Linksys WRT1900ACS (Shelby)

CPU: Marvell 88F6820-A0 C160 @1.6GHz (Armada 385)
Flash: 128MB (NAND), RAM: 512MB (DDR3)

Linksys WRT1900AC v2 (Cobra)

Linksys WRT1900AC v1 (Mamba) - Dual Core @1.2GHz CPU
CPU: Marvell MV78230; MV78230-B0 C120 @1.2GHz (Armada XP)
Linksys WRT1900AC v2 (Cobra) - Dual-Core @1.3GHz CPU
CPU: Marvell 88F6820; 88F6820-A0 C133 @1.33GHz (Armada 385)
CPU: Marvell 88F6820 C133 @1.33MHz (C160 @1.6GHz FCC images)
Uses a 12V 3A power adapter

According to the Description of Change document at the FCC, the following models
are electrically identical. Different model names are for marketing purposes.
  • WRT1900ACS, WRT1900ACSV2, WRT1900ACS V2
The Linksys WRT1900AC v2 should also have identical components but possibly
different cooling setups.

Additional external links


WRT1900ACS - Marvell Armada 385 @1.6GHz (Shelby)



Forum threads

Support for the WRT1900ACS (Shelby) is available in CC and trunk

See also

List of Four Stream Hardware