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MSI MN54G2 (MS-6894)

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MSI MS-6894

FCC approval date: 27 February 2009

Interface: Mini PCIe

ID: 10ec:8199 (3 addl. devices) SS: 1462:6894
Windows: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8199&SUBSYS_68941462

WI1 chip1: Realtek RTL8187SE

Probable Linux driver
previously, w/ the staging rtl8187se driver
current support (3.15+) w/ rtl818x_pci (formerly rtl8180)
PCI ID first seen in kernel v3.15 (2014-06-08)
(see also passys)

Windows driver
possibly see Realtek's website

Antenna connector: U.FL


OUI: 00:21:85

Askey WLL3200TX2-RTL8187SE
Lite-On WN6302LTX2-RTL8187SE
Lite-On WN6302LHTX2-RTL8187SE
Realtek RTL8187SE Reference DesignTX2-RTL8187SE

For a list of all currently documented Realtek chipsets with specifications, see Realtek.

This wireless module is used in the following devices..

The half-size version of this module is (probably) used in the following devices..

  • MSI MS-N033 / U123 - FCC ID: I4L-N-EM770MS