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Manuf (OEM/ODM): Gemtek WL-311F

FCC approval date: 28 June 2001
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Interface: PCMCIA (16-bit)

ID: 0156:0002
PnP device ID string: "Wireless LAN", "11Mbps PC Card", "Version 01.02", ""

FCC ID: MXF-C900523

Chipset: Intersil PRISM 2.5

WI1 chip1: Intersil Model?

WI1 chip2: Intersil ISL3685

Probable Linux driver
hostap or orinoco (in backports)
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: none


OUI: 00:90:4B (13 E, 35 W)

Gemtek WL-311FMXF-C900523
TRENDnet TEW-201PCMXF-C900523

For a list of all currently documented Intersil chipsets with specifications, see Intersil.

pccardctl ident provides the following input with the card inserted...

Socket 0:
  product info: "Wireless LAN
", "11Mbps PC Card
", "Version 01.02
", ""
  manfid: 0x0156, 0x0002
  function: 6 (network)

This card provides the following output via hostap_diag... (more)

NICID: id=0x800c v1.0.0 (PRISM II (2.5) PCMCIA (SST parallel flash))
PRIID: id=0x0015 v1.1.1
STAID: id=0x001f v1.5.4 (station firmware)

Wi-Fi Certified : W000505 (as of 07/18/2002)