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Swisscom TV Box UHD

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Swisscom TV Box UHD (IP1400)

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Arcadyan IP1400

FCC approval date: 09 July 2014
(Est.) release date: June 2016
Country of manuf.: China

Type: Android media player

IC ID: 6100A-CM389NF
PCB ID: 141271320000J

Power: 220-240 VAC ~ 50 Hz, ? A
Connector type: AC (figure-eight)

CPU1: Marvell 88DE3218 (1.2 GHz, 4 cores)
FLA1: 16 GiB 16,384 MiB <br />17,179,869,184 B <br />134,217,728 Kib <br />16,777,216 KiB <br />131,072 Mib <br /> (SanDisk SDINBDG4-16G)
RAM1: 4 GiB 4,096 MiB <br />4,294,967,296 B <br />33,554,432 Kib <br />4,194,304 KiB <br />32,768 Mib <br /> (Micron MT41K256M16TW-107 × 4)

Expansion IFs: USB 2.0
USB ports: 1
JTAG: probably, 8-pin header
Serial: yes, 4-pin header

WI1 module: AzureWave AW-CM389NF
WI1 module IF: NGFF (module)
WI1 chip1: Marvell 88W8897
WI1 802dot11 protocols: abgn+ac
WI1 MIMO config: 2x2:2
WI1 antenna connector: none

ETH chip1: Marvell 88DE3218
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 1


Stock FW OS: Android TV

Flags: HDMI, Audio out

802dot11 OUI: 0C:8E:29
Ethernet OUI: 0C:8E:29

For a list of all currently documented Marvell chipsets with specifications, see Marvell.

Swisscom TV Box (IP1400)

Support page


ArcadyanAndroid AOSPAndroid TV
Synaptics BG2CT (Dual-core @1.2GHz)
Synaptics BG4CT (Quad-core @1.2GHz)
Telus TVX • FCC ID: RAXHMB2213PW • Arcadyan HMB2213PW22TS
SaskTel maxTVXArcadyan HMB2213PW22WADeviceReport
Synaptics BG5CT (Quad-core @1.6GHz) 1GB


 • Boot log
sys_init start. boot_strap=0x00820009 (source=SPI Secure), boot_state=0x0
binary build time: Fri Feb  9 18:51:07 CST 2018
bcm erom set ddr_scramble key successfully
[   236] jump to miniloader!
start miniloader. binary build time: Fri Feb  9 18:50:51 CST 2018
Clock configuration:
 memPLL frequency 1866
 sysPLL frequency 800
 cpuPLL frequency 800
 dclk frequency 466
 AVPLLA2 frequency 600
 AVPLLA5 frequency 660
 AVPLLA6 frequency 500
 cpufastRefClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 memfastRefClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 cfgClk frequency 100Mhz [SYSPLL]
 perifSysClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 hbClk frequency 500Mhz [AVPllA6]
 atbClk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
 decoderClk frequency 600Mhz [AVPllA2]
 decoderM3Clk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 decoderPCubeClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 encoderClk frequency 500Mhz [AVPllA6]
 ovpCoreClk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
 gfx2DCoreClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 gfx3DCoreClk frequency 500Mhz [AVPllA6]
 gfx3DShClk frequency 600Mhz [AVPllA2]
 gfx3DSysClk frequency 500Mhz [AVPllA6]
 gfx2DSysClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 avioSysClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 vppSysClk frequency 660Mhz [AVPllA5]
 eddcClk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
 avioBiuClk frequency 100Mhz [SYSPLL]
 zspClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 tspClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 tspRefClk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
 ndsClk was disabled
 nocsClk was disabled
 apbCoreClk frequency 100Mhz [SYSPLL]
 emmcClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 sd0Clk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
 sd1Clk frequency 133Mhz [SYSPLL]
 dllMstRefClk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
 gethRgmiiClk frequency 100Mhz [SYSPLL]
 usim0Clk frequency 330Mhz [AVPllA5]
 pcieTestClk frequency 100Mhz [SYSPLL]
 usb2TestClk frequency 66Mhz [SYSPLL]
 usb3TestClk frequency 66Mhz [SYSPLL]
 usb3CoreClk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
 nfcEccClk frequency 400Mhz [SYSPLL]
 bcmClk frequency 66Mhz [SYSPLL]
 gethRgmiiSysClk frequency 200Mhz [SYSPLL]
load and start bl and tz. bootmode = 0x0 .
load post bootloader image.
[  1513] image verified, start at 0x00920000...
NOTICE:  BL3-1: v1.1(release):6d4159d
NOTICE:  BL3-1: Built : 19:42:23, Nov 29 2017
tz kernel starting... total 4 cpus, v4.0.0.3, Nov 29 2017 19:42:05@HEAD:bad27f5
[  1666] start_bootloader. binary build time: Mon May 28 13:56:37 CEST 2018
0x7f800000leakage = 0x284, chip id = 0x0, revision = 0x1
cmd = 0x29eb0028, param(0x1368cd83, 0x55f8a812, 0x994dd8e0)
resume_addr = 0x0
INFO: sub_cmd_id: 4, param_len: 0x2c, 0x0, 0x20
mem init done
memcpy 7f80447c, 7f831ca4
register_ta:tz comm rsp done! 80000000, 0
[fastlogo] flash_ts_get             DisplayPrimaryHDMIBitDepth=2
[fastlogo] value of frame number=3
[fastlogo] got fit size logo: 1280x720(index:1, num:3)
[fastlogo] showlogo_start: logo_start=4148224, logo_size=1843200,                                     logo_width=1280, logo_height=720, logo_stride=2560
TAMgr_CreateInstance:tz comm rsp done! 80000000, 0, 6
invoke command 0x00000000
TASysCmd_OpenSession:tz comm rsp done! 80000000, 0, 6000100
MV_VPP_Init:722: enableFlushCache=0, iHDMIEnable=0
[  7377] Start kernel at 0x20080000
TZ ERROR[TAMgr_InvokeCommandEntryPoint:658] cmd (0x00000007) is not supported
TZ ERROR[TAMgr_CreateInstance:81] can't find TA 7ab567e8-d708-11e4-9e14782bcb5cf300
TZ ERROR[TAMgr_CreateInstance:81] can't find TA 7ab567e8-d708-11e4-9e14782bcb5cf303
TZ ERROR[TAMgr_CreateInstance:81] can't find TA 7ab567e8-d708-11e4-9e14782bcb5cf304
TZ WARNING[TEE_TARegister:53] the TA (AAC) has been registered
TZ ERROR[register_ta:500] Rgister TA failed with result = ffff0003
