Swisscom TV Box HD
Swisscom TV Box HD (IP1200) v5.1
Manuf (OEM/ODM): Arcadyan IP1200
(Est.) release date: 2014
Country of manuf.: China
Type: Android media player
Power: 220-240 VAC ~ 50 Hz, ? A
Connector type: AC (figure-eight)
CPU1: Marvell 88DE3108 (1.2 GHz, 2 cores)
FLA1: 16 GiB 16,384 MiB <br />17,179,869,184 B <br />134,217,728 Kib <br />16,777,216 KiB <br />131,072 Mib <br /> (Toshiba THGBMBG7D2KBAIL)
RAM1: 1 GiB 1,024 MiB <br />1,073,741,824 B <br />8,388,608 Kib <br />1,048,576 KiB <br />8,192 Mib <br /> (Hynix H5TQ4G63AFR × 2)
Expansion IFs: USB 2.0
USB ports: 1
JTAG: yes, unpopulated
Serial: yes, 4-pin header
WI1 chip1: Marvell 88W8897
WI1 802dot11 protocols: abgn+ac
WI1 MIMO config: 1x1:1
WI1 antenna connector: none
ETH chip1: Marvell 88DE3108
LAN speed: 100M
LAN ports: 1
Stock FW OS: Android TV
Flags: HDMI, Audio out
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 797 additional devices
of which 0 are Swisscom devices
CPU1 brand | WI1 chip1 brand | WI1 chip2 brand | |
Swisscom TV Box HD | Marvell | Marvell | |
Swisscom TV Box UHD | Marvell | Marvell |
For a list of all currently documented Marvell chipsets with specifications, see Marvell.
Swisscom TV Box (IP1200)
- Swisscom TV Box HD (2014) • Arcadyan IP1200 • Android AOSP
- Synaptics BG2CT (Dual-core @1.2GHz)
- Swisscom TV Box UHD (2017) • Arcadyan IP1400 • Android TV Guide
- Swisscom TV Box (2019) • Arcadyan IP2000 (HMB2213UW22-V-LSW)
- Synaptics BG5CT (Quad-core @1.6GHz) 1GB
- Boot log
• Boot log |
[ 0] sys_init start. boot_strap=0x0000094c (source=eMMC), boot_state=0x0 CID_SerialNum=******** RCA=******. eMMC init ok. Load images from boot partition 1. get_custom_key ok. MV_DRMLIB_Load_Customer_Key OK. bootloader_en:offset = 400,size = 51000,flags = 0,reserved = bootloader_en:offset = 400,size = 51000,flags = 0,reserved = [ 563] image verified, start... [ 570] start_bootloader pad settings: RDKDMP BG2CT [Nov 9 2015 16:10:08] uiBoot = 0 Pinmux configuration: GSM 0xf7fcd040 0x00000230; GSOC 0xf7ea0000 0x41000408; GSOC1 0xf7ea0004 0x001a4003; leakage info 400. B0 chip, programmed OTP PVCOMP info. New board version, uses SM_SPI to do PV COMP. set voltage to 1290 mv. set vcore to 1285mv vout_percentage ae, set Vout to 1290mV set vcore to 1290mv vout_percentage ae, set Vout to 1290mV power down usb0. power down usb1. Set sdio Clock to 66MHz 0xf7ea0014: 4e52a005 010c312b 00100000 08000000 0xf7ea0028: 4e52a005 01cc0c03 00180000 008c6828 0xf7ea003c: 46529805 01083029 00100000 00000000 Clock configuration: VCO_B frequency 1620 AVPLLB[4] frequency 250 AVPLLB[5] frequency 610 AVPLLB[6] frequency 690 AVPLLB[7] frequency 490 cpuPll frequency 1200 memPll frequency 1600 sysPll frequency 800 dClk frequency 400 cpuClk frequency 1200 sysClk frequency 400 drmClk frequency 400 cfgClk frequency 100 gfxClk frequency 400 zspClk frequency 490 perifClk frequency 200 pCubeClk frequency 800 vScopeClk frequency 800 nfcEccClk frequency 100 vppSysClk frequency 400 appClk frequency 800 gfx3DCoreClk frequency 690 gfx3DSysClk frequency 490 arcRefClk frequency 400 vipClk frequency 400 sdioXinClk frequency 66 sdio1XinClk frequency 66 gfx3DExtraClk frequency 400 gc360Clk frequency 400 CID: ******** ******** ******** ******** Manufacture ID:17 Product name:016GE Serial Number:****** month=2, year=2246 [00,sd00] bootloader: part1(start=0, blks=1, version=201511091610), part2(start=0, blks=1, version=000000000000) [01,sd01] fts: part1(start=32, blks=32, version=201511091610), part2(start=32, blks=32, version=000000000000) [02,sd02] recovery: part1(start=64, blks=512, version=201511091610), part2(start=64, blks=512, version=000000000000) [03,sd03] factory_setting: part1(start=576, blks=64, version=201511091610), part2(start=576, blks=64, version=000000000000) [04,sd04] bootlogo: part1(start=640, blks=64, version=201511091610), part2(start=640, blks=64, version=000000000000) [05,sd05] boot: part1(start=704, blks=256, version=201511091610), part2(start=704, blks=256, version=000000000000) [06,sd06] system: part1(start=960, blks=2048, version=201511091610), part2(start=960, blks=2048, version=000000000000) [07,sd07] cache: part1(start=3008, blks=2048, version=201511091610), part2(start=3008, blks=2048, version=000000000000) [08,sd08] userdata: part1(start=5056, blks=8096, version=201511091610), part2(start=5056, blks=8096, version=000000000000) [09,sd09] dra: part1(start=13152, blks=512, version=201511091610), part2(start=13152, blks=512, version=000000000000) [10,sd10] timeshift: part1(start=13664, blks=8192, version=201511091610), part2(start=13664, blks=8192, version=000000000000) bootloader_en:offset = 400,size = 51000,flags = 0,reserved = flash_ts_init() start. fts: v601 loaded from 0x00960000 flash_ts_init() success. Enabled AvPLL A and B Channels Enable DVIO Pad [fastlogo] flash_ts_get DisplayPrimarySystem=18 [fastlogo] flash_ts_get DisplayPrimaryHDMIBitDepth=2 [fastlogo] flash_ts_get DisplayPrimaryWidth=1920 [fastlogo] flash_ts_get DisplayPrimaryHeight=1080 [fastlogo] got fit size logo: 1920x1080 [fastlogo] showlogo_start: logo_start=40, logo_end=4147240, logo_width=1920, logo_height=1080, logo_stride=3840 [showlogo] start:planeID=1, buf=b00000, width=1920, heigth=1080, stride=3840 macaddr=a8:d3:f7:**:**:** Not warm up. start to kick off SM CPU: start 0x00684364, size 46536 SM CPU is kicked off. fts: 0 fts: bootloader.command: Kernel image decrypt start now Kernel image decrypt finished verify Kernel image passed. Ramdisk decrypt start now Ramdisk decrypt finished Verify ramdisk passed OTP Temperature: 106 celsius degree Chip Version: 0xb0 macaddr=a8:d3:f7:**:**:** Image3 bootargs: macaddr=a8:d3:f7:**:**:** emmc_ts.dev_id=1 emmc_ts.size=16777216 emmc_ts.erasesize=524288 emmc_ts.writesize=512 mkbootimg bootargs: androidboot.console=ttyS3 console=ttyS3,115200 init=/init vmalloc=448M nfc_shared androidboot.hardware=mv88de3100 root=/dev/ram0 Ramdisk magic: 00088b1f Generated bootargs: androidboot.console=ttyS3 console=ttyS3,115200 init=/init vmalloc=448M nfc_shared androidboot.hardware=mv88de3100 root=/dev/ram0 macaddr=a8:d3:f7:**:**:** emmc_ts.dev_id=1 emmc_ts.size=16777216 emmc_ts.erasesize=524288 emmc_ts.writesiread dtb patam size = 8483 set dtb param for linux! Send bootmode=0 to SM. Responding to SM... Warm up. power up usb0. power up usb1. [ 2181] Boot normal GTV image [Flash Write]page=0x00000cb2, buf=0x006d58b4, size=8192 [Flash Write]page=0x00000cb3, buf=0x006d78b4, size=8192 fts: record v602 commited @ 0x00964000 Start kernel at 0x01008000 Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. |