technicolor TC8305C Comcast 1.0
Availability: common
Manuf (OEM/ODM): Askey PKE1331BP-D49
FCC approval date: 26 July 2012
Country of manuf.: China
Type: wireless router, cable modem, analog phone gateway
Power: 120 VAC ~ 60 Hz, 1.2 A
Connector type: C7P
CPU1: Broadcom BCM3383Z
FLA1: 64 MiB67,108,864 B <br />524,288 Kib <br />65,536 KiB <br />512 Mib <br />0.0625 GiB <br /> (STMicroelectronics NAND512W3A2ZN6)
FLA2: 1 MiB1,048,576 B <br />8,192 Kib <br />1,024 KiB <br />8 Mib <br />9.765625e-4 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX25L8008E)
RAM1: 128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br /> (Micron MT41J64M16JT-15E:G)
Expansion IFs: USB 2.0
USB ports: 1
WI1 chip1: Broadcom BCM4331
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 3x3:3
WI1 antenna connector: none
ETH chip1: Broadcom BCM3383Z
Switch: Broadcom BCM53124S
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 4
Flags: DOCSIS 3.0, battery
802dot11 OUI: none specified
For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.
The FCC external photos indicate that this cable modem is used with Comcast's Xfinity service.
- Comcast Wireless Gateway User Guide
Setup and User Guide MediaAccess TC8305C
8x4 DOCSIS 3.0
Per the FCC internal photos...
- the SoC used is a BCM3383ZKFEBG (BCM3383 / BCM3383Z)
- the GbE Switch is a BCM53124SKMMLG (BCM53124 / BCM53124S)
- the RAM appears to be a Micron 2DGI2 D9MNJ (B887).
- The battery shown in the FCC external photos is a Getac
- BP-B210N-21/2600 S (Li-ion, 7.4V 2600mAh, 19.24Wh).
- 1.2A rated, ~8 Watts or 14 VA at the wall synced with WiFi on, no traffic.
- A new battery may be purchased for $35.00 plus taxes and a $5.95 shipping fee.
- Existing customers are eligible to purchase a new battery, which will be sent
- to your Comcast service address and will arrive in about 7-10 business days.
- If you would like to order a battery, please call us at 1-888-972-1261.
- If you are a Comcast Business Voice customer, please call 1-800-391-3000
- for details about the Comcast Business Voice battery replacement program.
The FCC label shows the default SSID pattern is HOME-XXXX, which should be the usual Comcast modem-router default SSID.
Default settings are from Comcast's customer support page.
Interesting features:
- This device has a built-in Mongoose HTTP web server running on port 8080 (, that presents
- a graph and a UI allowing you to interact with the chips spectrum analyzer. Only Safari and Chrome are supported.
- The setup Wizard seems to have a problem with <space> characters in a WPA2 PSK AES wi-fi password.
Expand • boot log
BCM3383A2 TP0 346890
MemSize: 128 M
Chip ID: BCM3383Z-B0
Technicolor BootLoader Version: 2.1.8
Broadcom BootLoader Version: 2.4.0alpha18 Release Gnu spiboot dual-flash reduced DDR drive linux
Build Date: Sep 12 2012
Build Time: 22:21:37
SPI flash ID 0xc22014, size 1MB, block size 64KB, write buffer 256, flags 0x0
NAND flash: Device size 64 MB, Block size 16 KB, Page size 512 B
parameter offset is 43832
Signature/PID: a8e6
Reading flash map at ff30, size 192
Successfully restored flash map from SPI flash!
NandFlashRead: Reading offset 0x10c0000, length 0x5c
Image 1 Program Header:
Signature: a8e6
Control: 0005
Major Rev: 0003
Minor Rev: 0000
Build Time: 2013/10/15 06:53:10 Z
File Length: 3799926 bytes
Load Address: 80004000
Filename: TC8305C-01.E6.10.09-131015-S-FF9-D.img
HCS: e136
CRC: 439042b8
Found image 1 at offset 11c0000
NandFlashRead: Reading offset 0x19c0000, length 0x5c
NandFlashRead: Reading offset 0x22c0000, length 0x5c
Image 3 Program Header:
Signature: a8e6
Control: 0005
Major Rev: 0002
Minor Rev: 0017
Build Time: 2013/7/1 22:44:58 Z
File Length: 1507236 bytes
Load Address: 84010000
Filename: bcm93383LxGNand_kernel
HCS: 5b1f
CRC: fbd7b9bb
Found image 3 at offset 23c0000
Enter '1', '2', or 'p' within 2 seconds or take default...
. .
NandFlashRead: Reading offset 0x22c0000, length 0x200
NandFlashRead: Reading offset 0x22c0200, length 0x16fe00
Performing CRC on Image 3...
CRC time = 37448509
Detected LZMA compressed image... decompressing...
Target Address: 0x84010000
decompressSpace is 0x8000000
Elapsed time 1672051630
Decompressed length: 7104722
Done Copying Root File System...
NandFlashRead: Reading offset 0x10c0000, length 0x200
NandFlashRead: Reading offset 0x10c0200, length 0x39f9d2
Performing CRC on Image 1...
CRC time = 123388597
Detected LZMA compressed image... decompressing...
Target Address: 0x80004000
decompressSpace is 0x8000000
Elapsed time 3625215190
Decompressed length: 18259516
Copying partition table to 0x83fffc04 180
Copying partition table to 0x80000904 180
Executing Image 1...
eCos - hal_diag_init
Init device '/dev/BrcmTelnetIoDriver'
Init device '/dev/ttydiag'
Init tty channel: 8116d8b0
Init device '/dev/tty0'
Init tty channel: 8116d8d0
Init device '/dev/haldiag'
HAL/diag SERIAL init
Init device '/dev/ser0'
BCM 33XX SERIAL init - dev: 0.2
Set output buffer - buf: 0x813790e0 len: 4096
Set input buffer - buf: 0x8137a0e0 len: 4096
BCM 33XX SERIAL config
Init device '/dev/ser1'
BCM 33XX SERIAL init - dev: 0.3
Set output buffer - buf: 0x8137b0e0 len: 4096
Set input buffer - buf: 0x8137c0e0 len: 4096
BCM 33XX SERIAL config
InitBoard: MIPS frequency 637200000
Battery Thread Constructor....
Leaving Battery thread constructor....
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers:
(BFC Target) Configuring/Loading Flash driver...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmSpiFlashDevice::DetectFlash:
(SPI Flash Device Factory) WARNING - Detected SPI flash with JEDEC ID =0xc22014
Waited 12 iterations after device ID read
NAND flash: Device size 64 MB, Block size 16 KB, Page size 512 B
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmNandFlashDevice::DetectNandFlash:
(NAND Flash Device Factory) WARNING - Detected NAND flash with JEDEC ID =0x20762076
Found bootloader flash map at 0x80000904.
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::SpiFlashPlaceRegions:
(Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Partition falls out of range of device 0. Placing in device 1...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::SpiFlashPlaceRegions:
(Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Partition falls out of range of device 0. Placing in device 1...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::SpiFlashPlaceRegions:
(Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Partition falls out of range of device 0. Placing in device 1...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::SpiFlashPlaceRegions:
(Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Partition falls out of range of device 0. Placing in device 1...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::SpiFlashPlaceRegions:
(Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Partition falls out of range of device 0. Placing in device 1...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] FlashDeviceDriver::SpiFlashPlaceRegions:
(Flash Driver C API) WARNING - Partition falls out of range of device 0. Placing in device 1...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers:
(BFC Target) Loading BootloaderStore driver...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers:
(BFC Target) Loading ProgramStore driver...
ProgramStoreDeviceDriver::ProgramStoreDriverInit: INFO - Initializing...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers:
(BFC Target) Loading NonVol driver...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers:
(BFC Target) Storage drivers initialized successfully.
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitDeviceAbstractions:
(BFC Target) Creating singletons for ProgramStore/BootloaderStore/NonVol devices...
Detecting the next image number that we will store to by default...
Bootloader indicates we are running image 1
By default, we will dload to image number 2!
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitDeviceAbstractions:
(BFC Target) Device abstraction singletons created successfully.
TechnicolorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
TechnicolorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
TechnicolorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
TechnicolorNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance: WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] TechnicolorNonVolSettings::Constructor:
(Technicolor NonVol Settings) ###### Technicolor: NV storage manager initialized
ResetParentalControls: Resetting Parental Control NonVols
WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
****** [TechnicolorNonVolSettings] Setting up the singleton pointer******
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmContentPolicyList::BcmContentPolicyList:
WARNING - Singleton pointer is not NULL! There are multiple BcmContentPolicyList devices!
Leaving the singleton pointer alone...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmUserProfileList::BcmUserProfileList:
WARNING - Singleton pointer is not NULL! There are multiple BcmUserProfileList devices!
Leaving the singleton pointer alone...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmPolicyManager::BcmPolicyManager: WARNING - Singleton pointer is not NULL!
There are multiple BcmPolicyManager devices! Leaving the singleton pointer alone...
WARNING: ResetDefaultBlindEmtaData() -Resetting EMTA non-vol data section to default values
mtaNvCalcChecksum: checksum= 1273036005
Reading Permanent settings from non-vol...
Checksum for permanent settings: 0x2447ad3b
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmDownstreamCalibrationNonVolSettings::ReadFromImpl:
(DOCSIS CM Downstream Calibration NonVol Settings) WARNING - Read newer version of the settings (2.1);
current version is 2.0, newer settings will be preserved, but will not be used.
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmDownstreamCalibrationNonVolSettings::ReadFromImpl:
(DOCSIS CM Downstream Calibration NonVol Settings) WARNING - Read newer version of the settings (2.1);
current version is 2.0, newer settings will be preserved, but will not be used.
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: WARNING - Read an unrecognized
settings group from the buffer (magic number 0x45445641 'EDVA'); storing in raw form for compatibility...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: WARNING - Read an unrecognized
settings group from the buffer (magic number 0x54484f4d 'THOM'); storing in raw form for compatibility...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: WARNING - Read an unrecognized
settings group from the buffer (magic number 0x52434120 'RCA '); storing in raw form for compatibility...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: WARNING - Read an unrecognized
settings group from the buffer (magic number 0x45627069 'Ebpi'); storing in raw form for compatibility...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: WARNING - Read an unrecognized
settings group from the buffer (magic number 0x54383032 'T802'); storing in raw form for compatibility...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmIpsecNonVolSettings::IsDefault: (IPSEC NonVol Settings) Permanent settings
are default!
* One or more of the settings groups was missing, possibly as a result of a code upgrade.
Settings were read and verified.
Reading Dynamic settings from non-vol...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [Reset/Standby Switch Thread] BcmResetStandbySwitchThread::ProcessResetSwitchEvent:
(Reset/Standby Switch Thread) Reset switch released; rebooting...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [Reset/Standby Switch Thread] BcmVendorCmApplication::VendorResetButtonRebootCM:
(VendorExtension CmApp) Reboot - Setting LEDs
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [Reset/Standby Switch Thread] BcmResetStandbySwitchThread::ProcessResetSwitchEvent:
(Reset/Standby Switch Thread) Cant Reset pfCmDocsisCtlThread==NULL...
Checksum for dynamic settings: 0x243efff7
we found one in the table already!!!!
Settings were read and verified.
JTAG (JP1201)