Technicolor TC7200 (Thomson)

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technicolor TC7200 (Thomson)
Availability: common

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Askey PKE1331 -08

FCC approval date: 26 July 2012

Type: cable modem, wireless router

Power: 12 VDC, 1.5 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Broadcom BCM3383
FLA1: 64 MiB67,108,864 B <br />524,288 Kib <br />65,536 KiB <br />512 Mib <br />0.0625 GiB <br /> (Micron NAND512W3A2SN6E)
FLA2: 1 MiB1,048,576 B <br />8,192 Kib <br />1,024 KiB <br />8 Mib <br />9.765625e-4 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX25L8008E)
RAM1: 128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br /> (Samsung K4B1G1646G)

Expansion IFs: USB 2.0, Mini PCIe
Mini PCIe slots: 2
USB ports: 1
Serial: yes, 4-pin header

WI1 module: Broadcom BCM943227HM4L
WI1 module IF: Mini PCIe (half)
WI1 chip1: Broadcom BCM43227
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 2x2:2
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL

ETH chip1: Broadcom BCM3383
Switch: Broadcom BCM53124
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 4


Stock FW OS: eCos Linux

Flags: DOCSIS 3.0

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 785 additional devices
of which 3 are technicolor devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: admin
admin:admin credentials used by 1327 additional devices
of which 1 are technicolor devices

802dot11 OUI: 88:F7:C7, 58:23:8C, FC:94:E3 (1 E, 1 W), C4:27:95 (1 E, 1 W)
Ethernet OUI: 88:F7:C7, 58:23:8C, FC:94:E3 (1 E, 1 W), C4:27:95 (1 E, 1 W)

technicolor TC8305CH8N-PKE1331BP

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.

(Euro) DOCSIS 3.0 Cable Gateway

Dual Band Concurrent Wireless Embedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter (EMTA)

Product page

There are at least four versions, all using the same hardware:

  • TC7200 (unbranded version; concurrent dual band Wi-Fi) (photos)
  • TC7200.U (UPC-branded version, stripped-down firmware)
  • TC7200.d (EMTA functionality removed)
  • TC7200.20 (unbranded version)



Connector J305:

|  *   *   *   *  |
------      -------
3.3v  TX  GND  RX

Speed: 115200 (8N1)


 • bootlog
Sync: 0 
MemSize:            128 M
Chip ID:     BCM3383Z-B0
BootLoader Version: 2.4.0alpha18p1 Pre-release Gnu spiboot dual-flash reduced DDR drive linux
Build Date: Aug 14 2012 Build Time: 09:48:58
SPI flash ID 0xc22014, size 1MB, block size 64KB, write buffer 256, flags 0x0
NAND flash: Device size 64 MB, Block size 16 KB, Page size 512 B
Cust key size 128, parameter offset is 43872
InitBoard: MIPS frequency 637200000
Function: SetHardcodeVendorProfile
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitStorageDrivers:  
 (BFC Target) Configuring/Loading Flash driver...
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmSpiFlashDevice::DetectFlash:  
 (SPI Flash Device Factory) WARNING - Detected SPI flash with JEDEC ID =0xc22014
Waited 12 iterations after device ID read
NAND flash: Device size 64 MB, Block size 16 KB, Page size 512 B
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmNandFlashDevice::DetectNandFlash:  
 (NAND Flash Device Factory) WARNING - Detected NAND flash with JEDEC ID =0x20762076
Found bootloader flash map at 0x80000904.
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcStdEmbeddedTarget::InitDeviceAbstractions: 
 (BFC Target) Device abstraction singletons created successfully.
[Askey Debug]: No VP-24, use the default valus
ThomWiFi80211NonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
CmSnmpNonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!

[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmCmBpiNonVolSettings::BcmCmBpiNonVolSettings:  (Euro-Docsis CM BPI NonVol Settings) 
WARNING - Singleton pointer is not NULL!  There are multiple instances!  Leaving the singleton pointer alone...
ThomWiFi80211NonVolSettings::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
BcmPcpClientServiceAppIf::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
mtaNvCalcChecksum: checksum= 1273036263
Reading Permanent settings from non-vol...
Checksum for permanent settings:  0xc3b78a85
Setting downstream calibration signature to ''
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmDocsisCmDownstreamCalibrationNonVolSettings::ReadFromImpl: 
 (DOCSIS CM Downstream Calibration NonVol Settings) WARNING - Read older version of the settings (2.0); 
they have been upgraded to version 2.1, preserving original settings.
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] ThomWiFi80211NonVolSettings::ReadFromImpl: 
 (Thomson WiFi 802.11 NonVol Settings) WARNING - Read older version of the settings (0.2); 
they have been upgraded to version 0.3, preserving original settings.
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartChipHalSelectPinMux: Setting pin mux sel 10, word 0, value 5 up]ChipHalSelectPinMux: 
 Setting pin mux sel 6, word 0, value 5  BcmEmtaSipNonVolSettings::ReadFromImpl: 
 (EMTA Config NonVol Settings) ERROR - Read unsupported version (less than 1.0)!  These settings are not valid!
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmEmtaSipNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: 
 (EMTA Config NonVol Settings) ERROR - EMTA Config NonVol Settings failed to read all of its settings from the buffer!

[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcAppCompositeNonVolSettings::ReadFrom: 
 ERROR - A contained Settings object failed to parse the Group settings!
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmBfcTr69NonVolSettings::IsDefault: 
 (TR69 NonVol Settings) Permanent settings are default!
[00:00:00 01/01/1970] [tStartup] BcmEmtaSipNonVolSettings::IsDefault: 
 (EMTA Config NonVol Settings) Permanent settings are default!

See also

(same PCB, but without USB and physical on/off switch)
SoC: BCM3383Z/BCM43217, 2x LAN, OUI: 00:11:E3, PSU: 12V/1.5A
