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TwinMOS G101

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TwinMOS G101

FCC approval date: 19 April 2004
Country of manuf.: Taiwan

Interface: Mini PCI


WI1 chip1: Inprocomm IPN2220

WI1 chip2: RFMD RF2959

Probable Linux driver
(see also passys)

Antenna connector: U.FL


OUI: none specified

For a list of all currently documented Inprocomm chipsets with specifications, see Inprocomm.

For a list of all currently documented RFMD (Qorvo) chipsets with specifications, see RFMD.

"TTI" and "50-WGRPR-P0A" appears to be silkscreened on the board in the FCC photos.

Specifications, per the FCC manual, follow...

  • Transmit Power
    • 17dBm @ 11Mbps
    • 13dBm @ 54Mbps
  • Receive Sensitivity (10^-5 BER)
    • -83 dBm @ 11Mbps
    • -67 dBm @ 54Mbps