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Ubiquiti Networks SR5

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Ubiquiti Networks SR5

FCC approval date: 25 May 2005

Amazon image

B00M1YI0GO (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
B00CYLDRNA (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)

Interface: Mini PCI

Form factor tags: Type IIIA

ID: 168c:0013 (109 addl. devices) SS: 168c:2042
Windows: PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_2042168C


WI1 chip1: Atheros AR5213A

WI1 chip2: Atheros AR5112A

Windows driver

Antenna connector: MMCX


Flags: high power

OUI: 00:15:6D (9 E, 22 W)

For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.


Product page • Datasheet
  • There could possibly be multiple major revisions of this device in the wild
- the FCC ID EUT is an AR5212 card w/ 2 U.FL connectors while most others
seem to be as depicted on the UBNT site.
.. or the FCC EUT is simply an early pre-release device and does not reflect on released models.

Additional specifications

The following specs are per UBNT's datasheet for the device.

Typical Receiver Sensitivity w/ 11a rates (more)

  • -94 dBm @ 6M (BPSK)
  • -93 dBm @ 9M (BPSK)
  • -91 dBm @ 12M (QPSK)
  • -90 dBm @ 18M (QPSK)
  • -86 dBm @ 24M (16-QAM)
  • -83 dBm @ 36M (16-QAM)
  • -77 dBm @ 48M (64-QAM)
  • -74 dBm @ 54M (64-QAM)
The Rx Sens specifications for all the XR/SR 2/5 series seem to be identical..