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Western Digital My Net N900

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Western Digital My Net N900 (F2F)

Manuf (OEM/ODM): Alpha Networks WRG-ND15

FCC approval date: 27 April 2012
(Est.) release date: 14 June 2012
(Est.) initial retail price (in USD): $179.99
UPC: 718037786704 (UPC DB, On eBay)
Country of manuf.: China

Amazon image

B007KZQMO6 (Flag of the United States.svg, On Amazon, On CCC)
multiple revisions of this device, use caution

Type: wireless router

IC ID: 4833A-F2F

Power: 12 VDC, 3 A
Connector type: barrel

CPU1: Ubicom IP8260U (600 MHz)
FLA1: 16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br /> (Macronix MX25L12835EMI-10G)
RAM1: 256 MiB268,435,456 B <br />2,097,152 Kib <br />262,144 KiB <br />2,048 Mib <br />0.25 GiB <br /> (Samsung K4B1G1646G-BCH9 × 2)

Expansion IFs: Mini PCIe, USB 2.0
Mini PCIe slots: 2
USB ports: 2

WI1 module: Alpha Networks WMC-N02
WI1 module IF: Mini PCIe
WI1 chip1: Atheros AR9381
WI1 802dot11 protocols: bgn
WI1 MIMO config: 3x3:3
WI1 antenna connector: U.FL
WI2 module: Alpha Networks WMC-ND02
WI2 module IF: Mini PCIe
WI2 chip1: Atheros AR9380
WI2 802dot11 protocols: an
WI2 MIMO config: 3x3:3
WI2 antenna connector: U.FL

ETH chip1: Ubicom IP8260U
Switch: Atheros AR8327N
LAN speed: 1G
LAN ports: 7
WAN speed: 1G
WAN ports: 1


Flags: fan

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 1310 additional devices
of which 5 are Western Digital devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: password
admin:password credentials used by 423 additional devices
of which 6 are Western Digital devices

802dot11 OUI: 00:90:A9 (8 E, 7 W)
Ethernet OUI: 00:90:A9 (8 E, 7 W)

For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.
For a list of all currently documented Ubicom SoC's with specifications, see Ubicom.

Product page

OEM Alpha Networks

One of the wireless modules is a WMC-N02 (8WMCN02..2A1G)
The a/n wireless module is assumed to use AR9380.
Two Atheros AR8327N switches are be onboard providing the device with 7 LAN ports.
$179.99 MSRP
"802.11a/b/g/n DBDC 3x3 GE Router" and "REV-A1" is silkscreened on the top of the board.
"8WRGND15.2A1G" is silkscreened on the bottom of the board.

FCC manual shows the device with an SSID of WesternDigital.

WiGLE shows one observation of this SSID with an 00:90:A9 OUI (observed Feb 2012).
The My Net N600 and N750 devices FCC manuals showed SSIDs of WesternDigital-XX and WesternDigital-XX_5G.