WikiDevi.Wi-Cat.RU:DD-WRT/Wireless Network Scanner (awk -f scanner)

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cat - > scanner

# Show scanresults in consistent order with graphical bars. 
# To be run via telnet to WRT54g running modified firmware.
# Do the following. Use your own router address instead of on the following lines
# Login via telnet:
#    telnet
# a simple test to make sure you can run this script, type: 
#    wl scan; wl scanresults
# and make sure you can run those commands. If not this program will not work.
# If you succeeded with the scanresults then 
# copy and paste this entire text into the terminal window 
# (the cat - > scanner line will copy the rest of the file into a file named 'scanner')
# and then hit return and then ctrl-c to close the file.
# then just run script by typing the following line:
#    awk -f scanner
# I hereby release this into the public domain. Justin Jones, 2005
# Jan. '07 corrected bug from '06 improvement.

 command = "wl scan 2> /dev/null ; wl scanresults 2> /dev/null";
 red = "\x1b[31m";              green = "\x1b[32m";
 greenback="\x1b[42m";          yellow = "\x1b[33m";
 cyan = "\x1b[36m";             blue = "\x1b[34m";
 blueback = "\x1b[44m";         white = "\x1b[37m";
 whiteback = "\x1b[47m";        reset = "\x1b[0m";
 underscore = "\x1b[4m";        clear = "\x1b[2J";
 home = "\x1b[0;0H";            erase2end = "\x1b[K";
 cName = white;                 cSignal = green;
 cNoise = red;                  cCaps = green;
 cStrengthLow = blue blueback;  cChannel = green;               
 cStrengthMed = white whiteback;
 cStrengthHi = green greenback;
 cStrengthAged = red;
 print clear;
  while (command|getline)
  if(/^SSID/) { name = $2;  rssi = $6;noise= $9; rssi=""; noise="";channel="";bssid="";caps=""}
  if(/^Mode/) {rssi = $4;noise= $7; channel = $10 }
  if(/^BSSID/) {bssid = $2; caps = $4" "$5" "$6" "$7" "$8" "$9" "$10 }
	name[bssid] = name
	rssi[bssid] = rssi
	noise[bssid]= noise
	channel[bssid] = channel
	caps[bssid] = caps
  printf home;
  ln = 0;
  print white " Name       BSSID  Signal Noise Channel Type";
  for (x in name)
        #arbitrary strength calc through trial and error... modify as you wish:
        sigstrength = ((rssi[x] - noise[x])*1.5) + ((rssi[x] +90)*1.5);
        if (sigstrength <1) sigstrength=0;
        cStrength = cStrengthLow;
        if(sigstrength>4) cStrength = cStrengthMed;
        if(sigstrength>7) cStrength = cStrengthHi;
        if(age[x]=0) cStrength = cStrengthAged;
        fmt = "%s%-15s %s%0"sigstrength"d "reset erase2end "\n    %s  %s%-4d %s%-4d %s%-4d %s%2s %s%10s "  reset erase2end "\n" erase2end "\n";
        printf fmt, cName,name[x],cStrength,0,x,cSignal,rssi[x],cNoise,noise[x],cChannel, channel[x],cCaps,caps[x]; 
        rssi[x] = "-1000 xxxx";
  if (ln ==0) print red "No Results - Do you have wl scan capability? \nThis program depends on 'wl scan; wl scanresults' to run. Hit ctrl-c to stop."
  print erase2end;