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Linksys WPC54G v4

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Linksys WPC54G v4

Manuf (OEM/ODM): CyberTAN WE602-P

FCC approval date: 20 January 2004

Interface: PCMCIA (32-bit)

ID: 17fe:2220 (7 addl. devices) SS: 1737:0029
Windows: PCI\VEN_17FE&DEV_2220&SUBSYS_00291737

WI1 chip1: Inprocomm IPN2220

WI1 chip2: RFMD RF2959

Antenna connector: none


OUI: 00:0F:66 (9 E, 26 W)

Buffalo WLI2-CB-G54LFDI-09101825-0
CyberTAN WE602-PN89-WE602P
 Chip1 brandChip2 brand
Linksys WPC54G v1.0BroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WPC54G v1.1BroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WPC54G v1.2BroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WPC54G v2Texas InstrumentsRadia
Linksys WPC54G v3.0Broadcom
Linksys WPC54G v3.1Broadcom
Linksys WPC54G v4InprocommRFMD
Linksys WPC54G v5MarvellMarvell
Linksys WPC54G v7Atheros

For a list of all currently documented Inprocomm chipsets with specifications, see Inprocomm.

For a list of all currently documented RFMD (Qorvo) chipsets with specifications, see RFMD.

Wireless-G Notebook Adapter
 • Support page  • (Template link outdated)

WPC54G v4 serial numbers appear to start with BDH3.